First.time gay blowjob stories

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I had bought the viagra as a bit of an experiment and after my initial try with them had tucked them in the back of a drawer and forgotten about them. As I have said I was very horny but I knew nerves might get the better of me so I put on cock ring for a bit of added support and as an afterthought took a viagra. On this occasion I had been surfing the internet for porn and masturbating when I dcided to go for another run. I had done this on several previous occasions but without doing anything more than run around the area and get the lay of the land.

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On the day in question I was extremely horny and decided to go for a run there. I had read online about a beauty spot near my house where gay men cruised for sex. For some time I had fantasies about some sort of sexual encounter with a man and several 'near misses' had served to fuel the fantasy. This is a true story about the first time I was sucked by another man.

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